
Values shape our view of self, others and the community and unite our school communities around fundamental beliefs that give direction to what we teach both inside and outside the classroom.


Public schools are committed to modelling a just community. School boards and employees treat people and interactions impartially, respectfully and without bias.


Respect provides the basis for all interactions within public schools. Respect is based upon acceptance and understanding of the similarities and differences among people. In an educational setting, respect is an essential component to ensure that all students reach their highest potential.


The value of responsibility is a cornerstone of a healthy society and essential for quality education. Public schools are committed to developing personal, social and community responsibility in students.


Saskatchewan public schools have a tradition of providing guiding influence on action, thought and character in the education of children and youth. We also have a tradition of developing tomorrow’s leaders and benefiting from their return in leadership roles in our schools, communities and social institutions.